Passive-aggressive behavior can make all situations more difficult. When this occurs in a co-parenting relationship, it can make even easy-to-resolve conflicts incredibly challenging. Both parents have to be willing to take an honest look at their own behaviors so...
Child Custody
International travel with children can be complex
Being able to take your children on vacations is a wonderful way to make memories with them. One consideration that you have when you aren't with the child's other parent is making sure that the vacations you take are in line with the custody order. In some cases,...
When an absent parent wants to come back into a kid’s life
Child custody cases sometimes involve a parent who isn't really present in the child's life. When that parent decides that they want to come back into the kid's life, the court will likely allow that to happen unless there is a reason, such as abuse, to refuse. This...
Custody disputes can negatively impact children
Child custody matters are sometimes resolved quickly and easily by the parents. This is often the best situation for the children because they aren't left wondering what will happen. If it is possible, you and your ex should work together to come up with the parenting...
Creative custody solutions often meet a child’s unique needs
Your child custody case might be one of the most difficult aspects of your divorce. It is often said that you should try to get the hardest tasks out of the way firsts. This is very true with child custody but not because the rest will be easy. Working out the details...
Working out custody schedules can be challenging
Your child custody plan is an important factor in your parenting relationship because it sets the guidelines for what is acceptable and what will happen. There are several things that need to be included in the agreement, so you need to be prepared to have some...
Patience and picking your battles can help in child custody
Child custody cases are serious matters that can bring out the worst in the parents because each adult has their own idea of what needs to happen. There is no guarantee that those ideas will be the same; however, both adults must work together to make choices for the...
Telling your children about your divorce must be planned
When you and your spouse decide that your marriage is over, you will have to share the news with the children if you have any. This can be a difficult situation for you to be placed in, but your children need to know what is going on. Ideally, you should discuss the...
Find ways to make a parenting plan work for your children
Coming up with the terms of a parenting plan isn't always easy. There might be some bad feeling between you and your ex because of the divorce. Even though the marriage didn't work out, you should think about how your ex is as a parent. You might realize that they do...
Holiday celebrations may span both homes for your children
Christmas is just a few days away. For most people, this means having family time. Children who have divorced parents are probably looking forward to the holiday, but they might also have a bit of concern about how things will go. As a parent, you likely want your...