Considering full custody in your California divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 19, 2024 | Divorce

Divorce can be challenging, especially when the process involves children. Deciding on custody arrangements is a crucial part of the process. One option to consider is seeking full custody, where one parent assumes primary responsibility for the child’s well-being.

Understanding full custody

Full custody, also known as sole custody, gives one parent both legal and physical custody of the child after a divorce. Legal custody allows you to make important decisions about your child’s life, such as education and healthcare. Physical custody means your child lives with you full-time. This arrangement can help provide stability and consistency in your child’s life.

Factors to consider

Before pursuing full custody, think about what’s best for your child. The court will consider the child’s best interests, focusing on factors like:

  • The child’s age
  • Health
  • Emotional ties to each parent

They also evaluate each parent’s ability to care for the child and maintain a stable environment. 

Parental cooperation

Cooperating with the other parent is important, even if you seek full custody. Courts prefer arrangements where both parents have involvement, as long as it’s safe and beneficial for the child. Demonstrating a willingness to encourage a relationship with the other parent can show that you prioritize your child’s needs.

Practical implications

Securing full custody means taking on more responsibility for daily decisions and activities. This role requires significant time, energy, and financial resources. It’s essential to assess your ability to meet these demands and ensure you can consistently meet their needs.

Prioritizing your child’s future

Navigating custody decisions can be complex and emotional. Balancing your needs with those of your child will guide you in deciding whether full custody is the best path forward.