Child custody orders are important during the summer months

On Behalf of | Apr 27, 2018 | Child Custody, Firm News

As the summer months get closer, parents who are split up will have to start making plans for their children for the times when school isn’t in session. For some parents, finding day camps or child care for the hours they are work is the only option. Others might try to rotate the child between them so that each parent can have some time with the children. Relatives might also step in to provide care.

We know that you might already have a lot on your plate right now, but planning for the summer is best done early. Sit down with the calendar and your custody order to determine when you will have the child for the summer. Once you know this, you can move forward with child care plans, as well as vacation plans.

When you are trying to make vacation plans, be sure that you aren’t trying so hard to pack a lot into the time you have with your children that you are going to be stressed the entire time. This includes the travel schedule, which could be made too close to child exchange times. That could cause issues in the future.

The summer months can be times of fun for the children. By ironing out any kinks in the plan early, you can have the benefit of knowing what to expect. This will enable you to make the most of the time you do have with the kids.

We know that there are sometimes disagreements that come with child custody cases. Trying to work with your ex might resolve those. When it doesn’t, you might turn to the court to get the matters settled.